AI Service Agreement

Special Notice:

This agreement is a set of rights and obligations established between the user and Nanjing Zhiya Technology Co., Ltd.'s Minduck (Zhiya) product and service.

This service is part of the Minduck (Zhiya) platform products and services. Unless you read and click to agree to all the terms of this agreement and the "User Agreement," "VIP Membership Service Agreement," and "License Agreement," you do not have the right to log in to the Minduck (Zhiya) service account (hereinafter referred to as "account") and use any Minduck (Zhiya) AI services (hereinafter referred to as "AI services"). By logging in to Minduck (Zhiya), clicking to start, and using this service to upload, generate, and copy or repost content, you are deemed to have agreed to all the terms of the aforementioned agreements and to be bound by them.

Important terms in this agreement, especially those that exempt or limit liability, are highlighted in bold to particularly remind you to review them carefully before using this service.

If you believe any terms in this agreement violate network security regulations or infringe on personal privacy and user rights, you can file a complaint with the website's customer service.

I. Usage Norms

1. This service is an AI synthesis service provided to natural person users (hereinafter referred to as "users") by Minduck (Zhiya) based on third-party big data and technical model services. The service mainly includes content generation, continuation, optimization, and other services that may be introduced and included in the AI service scope in the future. The specific services are subject to what we actually provide. When using this service outside mainland China, you should comply with all the laws, regulations, and policy restrictions and supervision of your location.

2. Users use this service through the AI functions built into Minduck (Zhiya) (including but not limited to official applications, websites, H5 pages, mini-programs, public accounts, etc., operated by Minduck (Zhiya), with the specific available platforms being subject to what Minduck (Zhiya) actually provides). Each Minduck (Zhiya) account initially comes with free trial times, with the specific number of times being subject to what Minduck (Zhiya) actually provides. You are responsible for all actions (including but not limited to posting, generating, continuing, optimizing information, agreeing to agreements, rules, etc.) taken through the account using this service; at the same time, you are not allowed to transfer, authorize others to use the services provided in your account in any form. Minduck (Zhiya) may change the service method in the future, subject to what is actually provided.

3. This service is only available for you to use by logging in to the account in Minduck (Zhiya) (including but not limited to official applications, websites, H5 pages, mini-programs, public accounts, etc., operated by Minduck (Zhiya)). You do not have the right to transfer, sublicense, rent, lend, or share any part or all of this service to any party other than yourself at any time. Your access to or use of this service should not infringe on the rights of Minduck (Zhiya) or any third party.

4. You understand and agree that Minduck (Zhiya) products' AI services are value-added services. Except for the free trial times given by Minduck (Zhiya), subsequent use of this service requires activating a Minduck (Zhiya) account membership. The fee standard is subject to the agreement in the "Membership Service Agreement" and the real-time settlement amount of Minduck (Zhiya). For paid services, Minduck (Zhiya) will give you a clear prompt before use. Only after you confirm that you are willing to pay the related fees according to the prompt, you can use the member account value-added services including the AI value-added services; if you refuse to pay the related fees, you cannot use the member account value-added services including the AI value-added services. In addition to the aforementioned paid services, the equipment related to the network services (such as personal computers, other devices related to internet or mobile network access) and the required fees (such as telephone fees and internet access fees for accessing the internet) should be borne by you. Minduck (Zhiya) does not bear any responsibility for the situations where the user is unable to access this service due to unpaid fees, affecting the use of the service.

5. The AI-generated content in this service relies on big data and technical models provided by third parties. We fully comply with the protocols and specifications for accessing third-party technical interfaces; however, we cannot fully guarantee that third parties will be able to continuously and stably provide certain specific technologies/services to you under this service. When we adjust our cooperation methods with third parties or change our third-party cooperation, you may not be able to continue using or continue to use such third-party services in the original way. You fully understand and acknowledge that due to the development and changes in laws and regulations regarding artificial intelligence creations, if you suffer losses from using this service, before the officially effective laws and regulations stipulate that Minduck (Zhiya) bears the corresponding responsibilities, it is presumed to be caused by the technology/service provided by the third party. You can only seek compensation from the third party, and Minduck (Zhiya) will not bear any responsibility.

II. Content Restrictions

1. The content you input while using this service should not infringe on the rights of others (including but not limited to others' intellectual property rights, portrait rights, reputation rights, personal privacy, and other rights), and you should bear full responsibility for the content you input while using this service.

2. You agree to strictly comply with this agreement and the "User Agreement" and "Membership Service Agreement" when using this service and will not use this service for any illegal activities, input, or copy and repost information containing the following:

  1. Information that opposes the basic principles established by the Constitution;
  2. Information involving political propaganda that violates national regulations;
  3. Information involving state secrets and/or security, endangering national security, subverting state power, or undermining national unity;
  4. Information that damages national honor and interests;
  5. Superstitious, cult-related, pornographic, violent, murderous, or terrorist information, or information that incites crime;
  6. Information on gambling, gambling games, "private servers," "cheat programs," and other illegal publications;
  7. Information that violates national ethnic and religious policies, incites ethnic hatred, ethnic discrimination, and undermines ethnic unity;
  8. Information that hinders blockchain operation security;
  9. Information that infringes on the legitimate rights and interests of others and/or other information or content that is detrimental to social order, public security, and public morals;
  10. Other content that violates laws, regulations, departmental rules, national policies, and public order and good customs.

3. You should conduct necessary reviews on whether the content you input while using this service complies with laws and regulations and bear all responsibility for this. You ensure that the content you provide (including but not limited to custom input texts or uploaded images) does not contain politically related and illegal content, and does not infringe on the legitimate rights and interests of others or has obtained sufficient, necessary, and effective legal licenses and authorizations.

4. Minduck (Zhiya) protects the personal privacy of all Minduck (Zhiya) users in accordance with this agreement, the "User Agreement," and the "Membership Service Agreement," but Minduck (Zhiya) does not review the content you input while using this service. Therefore, you need to confirm that the content you input while using this service does not contain any confidential, sensitive, or personal privacy information, and you confirm that your input content will not be regarded as your personal privacy data.

III. Usage Restrictions

1. You fully understand that the prerequisite for using this service is to register and log in to the account. When registering and using, you should comply with the registration and usage rules in the "User Agreement" and properly keep your account and password.

2. If you find that the content generated by this service violates the content restrictions, you have the right to click "Content Report/Complaint" on the content generation page of this service to file a complaint.

3. If we find or receive reports or complaints from others that users violate any terms of this agreement, we have the right to handle the relevant content without notice and, depending on the severity of the behavior, have the right to suspend or terminate the provision of related services, including but not limited to: inability to use this service and account bans, etc.

4. This service may provide the same feedback content to different users. You acknowledge and agree that you do not have exclusive rights (such as copyrights) to these contents, and you cannot restrict other users from using the relevant feedback content.

IV. Disclaimer

1. You acknowledge and agree that since all content generated by this service is generated by artificial intelligence models:

  1. Due to the current level of technology, we cannot guarantee the accuracy, completeness, timeliness, or availability of the generated content. The generated content inevitably has defects in facts, opinions, values, etc. We do not assume any legal responsibility for this, but we will do our best to urge third-party technology providers to provide you with stable and high-quality technical services. If you encounter any unpleasant or legally conflicting situations while using this service, you can click "Content Report/Complaint" to provide feedback, and we will handle it immediately after verification.
  2. The generated content is for reference only and does not represent Minduck (Zhiya)'s attitude, viewpoint, or position, nor does it constitute any suggestion or opinion from Minduck (Zhiya) to you. For matters related to professional fields such as medical, legal, and financial investment, please consult professionals. Algorithmic responses may not match your actual situation or real-life scenarios; you should carefully judge their authenticity and reliability.

2. The training data for the third-party technical model services relied on by this service includes but is not limited to publicly available information on the internet. Some of this information may have a certain degree of sensitivity, irrationality, or cause interpretive ambiguities. If you publicly disseminate sensitive content, irrational or ambiguous content generated by this service, you will bear the corresponding legal responsibility alone.

V. Intellectual Property

1. The intellectual property rights of the proprietary content we provide in this service (including but not limited to the Minduck (Zhiya) platform, technology, programs, code, user interfaces, webpages, text, images, graphics, audio, video, charts, layout design, trademarks, electronic documents, etc.) belong to Minduck (Zhiya). Without Minduck (Zhiya)'s written permission, you may not use or create derivative works of the related content in any form. You also may not monitor, copy, or modify Minduck (Zhiya)'s proprietary content through any robots, "spiders," or other programs or devices, or use Minduck (Zhiya)'s proprietary content to apply for intellectual property rights registration, secondary development, or engage in competitive business.

2. You may not reverse compile, disassemble, or perform any form of reverse engineering on any content in this service or bypass any technical restrictions of the service. For any billing mechanisms (including any mechanisms for measuring users' usage of the service), you may not attempt to circumvent them by tampering or other means.

3. You understand and promise that the content you post and upload while using this service (including but not limited to text, images, videos, audio, etc., and all components such as music, sounds, dialogues, visual designs, or related data contained therein) is either original or has obtained legal authorization from the relevant rights holders (including sub-licenses), and does not infringe on the legitimate rights and interests of any person (including but not limited to intellectual property rights, reputation rights, name rights, portrait rights, privacy rights, trade secrets, etc.). Otherwise, you will bear any disputes or risks arising therefrom.

4. Minduck (Zhiya) enjoys all rights to the data and information generated during the development and operation of this service within the scope permitted by laws and regulations.

VI. Personal Information Protection

Minduck (Zhiya) places great importance on protecting user information. During your use of this service, we will collect and use your account information and operational behavior information (including but not limited to input content, clicking "Content Report/Complaint," etc.) to provide AI services to you. If we share your personal information with partners, we will strictly comply with the principles of "legality, propriety, necessity, and clear purpose" and require our partners to fulfill their obligations and responsibilities to protect your personal information through technical protection measures and cooperation agreements.

VII. Breach of Contract Liability

1. The user agrees to protect and maintain the interests of Minduck (Zhiya) and other users. If the user violates any terms of the relevant laws, regulations, or this agreement and causes losses to Minduck (Zhiya) or any other third party, the user agrees to bear the damage compensation liability.

VIII. Jurisdiction

1. The effectiveness, performance, interpretation, and dispute resolution of this agreement are governed by the laws of the People's Republic of China. If any part of this agreement conflicts with the current laws of the People's Republic of China and becomes invalid, it will not affect the validity of the other parts.

2. If any dispute arises regarding the content or execution of this agreement, it should be resolved through friendly negotiation as much as possible; if the negotiation fails, either party can file a lawsuit in the People's Court of Chengdu High-tech Zone.

IX. Validity of the Agreement

1. This agreement is a legal agreement between you and us regarding your use of this service. The effective date of this agreement is subject to the update date specified at the beginning of the agreement. Meanwhile, this agreement becomes binding on both parties from the moment you check "agree" (the specific wording is subject to the page description), with the specific time being subject to our system records.

2. Minduck (Zhiya) may change the content of this agreement based on actual operations, and Minduck (Zhiya) may also start charging for the currently free parts of this service. Before the aforementioned agreement changes, Minduck (Zhiya) will notify or announce it on the relevant service page, and once the content is published, it is deemed to have notified the user. If you continue to use the services provided by Minduck (Zhiya), it is deemed that you have accepted all modifications to this agreement. If you do not agree to the modifications to the terms, you do not have the right to use the relevant content of this agreement.

3. This agreement is regarded as a supplementary agreement to the "User Agreement," "Membership Service Agreement," and "License Agreement," and is an integral part of it. Together, they form a unified whole. The contents not covered in this agreement are subject to the "User Agreement," "Membership Service Agreement," and "License Agreement." If there are conflicts or differences between the contents of this agreement and the "User Agreement," "Membership Service Agreement," and "License Agreement," the provisions of the latest updated version (if any) of this agreement shall prevail.
