User Agreement

Minduck is an online tool that intelligently generates mind maps, articles, posters, PPTs, and other content. To ensure you better use the Minduck platform and services, please read and fully understand each clause, especially those that exempt or limit liability and other clauses that significantly impact your rights. These clauses may be highlighted in bold for your attention. If you are under 18 years old, please complete or have your legal guardian complete this process. By registering, logging in, and using this software, you are deemed to have fully read and voluntarily accepted all the terms of this user agreement, including any modifications made by Minduck, and become a Minduck user. This agreement is legally binding between you and Minduck, becoming a legal document binding both parties.

I. Service Description

  1. Service Purpose: To help you easily complete the production of mind maps, articles, posters, PPTs, etc.
  2. Service Entity: This service is provided to you by Minduck. "Minduck" refers to the network platform operated by Nanjing Zhiya Technology Co., Ltd. and its affiliates. Depending on the context, "Minduck" in this agreement may refer to the Minduck website, mobile terminals, and related technical services surrounding the Minduck software product. "User" refers to the person who registers, logs in, and uses Minduck and services, more often referred to as "you" in this agreement.
  3. Service Content: Minduck is an online tool that intelligently generates mind maps, text, images, presentation slides, etc. It will provide you with various pictures, materials, templates, and online editing functions, among others.
  4. Service Platform: Minduck provides this software or service, including but not limited to multiple application versions on the web, mobile terminals, the website with the domain name, and various mini-programs, allowing you to complete the creation of mind maps, text, images, presentation slides, etc., anytime, anywhere. Minduck will also continuously update and improve to meet your growing needs.
  5. Service License Scope:

    Minduck grants you a non-exclusive, non-transferable, non-sublicensable license to use this software.

    All other rights not expressly authorized in this agreement are still reserved by Minduck. You must obtain Minduck's written permission to exercise these rights. Minduck's failure to exercise or enforce any right or provision of this agreement shall not constitute a waiver of such right or provision.

II. About "Account"

(1) Account Registration

  1. Before using Minduck services, you need to provide your real personal information to complete the account registration and password setup or register through a third-party account recognized by Minduck. To ensure the safe and effective use of the platform services and continuous optimization, you agree to authorize Minduck to verify and reasonably use your personal information.
  2. The account password you successfully register is for your legitimate use only. It should not be used for illegal purposes, infringe on the interests of others, or be maliciously registered in bulk. It should not be disclosed, lent, given, or transferred to others; otherwise, you are responsible for improper use.
  3. A user can only register and bind one account. Meeting either the same mobile phone number or third-party account condition is considered the same user.
  4. You are responsible for the authenticity, accuracy, and legality of the registration information you provide and should update your information promptly. If you provide any illegal, unethical information or information that Minduck deems unsuitable for display on Minduck, or if Minduck has reason to believe your information belongs to a program or malicious operation, Minduck has the right to suspend or terminate your account and refuse your current and future use of all or part of this service.
  5. Minduck is not responsible for any user registration information, including but not limited to verifying the authenticity, correctness, completeness, applicability, and/or timeliness of any registration information.

(2) Account Security

After completing the registration process and successfully registering, you can use your mobile phone number and password to log into your Minduck account. Protecting your account security is your responsibility. You agree:

You are fully responsible for all activities that occur under your password and account, including but not limited to any data modifications, payments, and image designs you make in Minduck. You should keep your account and password confidential and not disclose them to others under any circumstances. If your Minduck account is unauthorized or any other security issues occur, you will immediately notify Minduck.

If you do not keep your account and password secure, Minduck cannot and will not be responsible for any loss or damage arising from such negligence.

You are responsible for maintaining the security and confidentiality of your account and password and are fully responsible for all activities conducted under your registered account name. If you do not keep your account and password secure and cause damage to you, Minduck, or a third party, you will bear full responsibility.

III. User Information Protection and Authorization

  1. You acknowledge and agree that to facilitate your use of the relevant services of this platform, the platform will collect, use, store, and share your personal information and necessary information according to this agreement and the "Privacy Policy," including but not limited to your registration information, drawing records, and drawing results. Unless otherwise required by laws and regulations, the "Privacy Policy," or other agreements, Minduck will not obtain, store, disclose, or reveal your personal information to third parties without your permission.
  2. You acknowledge and confirm that you need to provide real identity information when registering your account or using this platform. Minduck will authenticate your real identity information through email, mobile phone, etc., according to national laws and regulations. If the information you provide is untrue or incomplete, you will not be able to use this platform or will be restricted during use. The resulting adverse consequences will be borne by you.
  3. Minduck will use various security technologies and procedures and establish a comprehensive management system to protect your personal information, preventing your information from being improperly used or accessed, used, or disclosed without authorization.
  4. Without your consent, Minduck will not disclose your personal information to any other company, organization, or individual, except in the following cases:

    Required by relevant laws and regulations or judicial and administrative authorities;
    For merger, division, acquisition, or asset transfer;
    Necessary to provide the services you request;
    Transfer or disclosure to third parties as specified in the "Privacy Policy" or other agreements;
    Minduck places great importance on protecting the information of minors. If you do not have full civil capacity, you should obtain your guardian's consent before using Minduck.

IV. User Conduct

(1) Information Content Standards

You are responsible for the authenticity and legality of the information content you publish using the Minduck platform and services. If you need prior authorization or approval from the content rights holder or any authorized third party, you should obtain such authorization or approval in advance; once you publish any content, it will be deemed that you have obtained such authorization or approval.

  1. The information content referred to in this article refers to any content that users create, download, use, publish, or distribute using Minduck, including but not limited to users' nicknames, avatars, user descriptions, and other registration information, or text, images, audio, video, etc., generated using Minduck, as well as other content produced using Minduck.
  2. You understand and agree that Minduck has been committed to providing users with a civilized, healthy, and orderly network environment. You must not use Minduck to create, copy, publish, or distribute any illegal content, including but not limited to:

    Opposing the basic principles established by the Constitution;
    Endangering national security, leaking state secrets, subverting state power, undermining national unity, and harming national honor and interests;
    Inciting ethnic hatred, ethnic discrimination, and undermining ethnic unity;
    Undermining state religious policies, promoting cults and feudal superstitions;
    Spreading rumors, disrupting social order , and undermining social stability;
    Spreading obscenity, pornography, gambling, violence, murder, terror, or inciting crime;
    Insulting or slandering others, infringing on others' legal rights;
    Containing false, fraudulent, harmful, coercive, privacy-invasive, harassing, infringing, defamatory, vulgar, obscene, or other morally offensive content;
    Infringing on others' privacy, personal information, copyrights, trademarks, or other intellectual property rights or legal rights;
    Spreading commercial advertisements related to tobacco, alcohol, drugs, cosmetic surgery, medical health products, or similar commercial solicitations, spreading excessive marketing information and spam;
    Containing other content restricted or prohibited by Chinese laws, regulations, rules, ordinances, and any legally effective norms or considered unsuitable for display by Minduck.

  3. You understand and agree that Minduck aims to provide diverse, varied, and multi-type fonts and materials for your use, but you must comply with legal provisions and website agreements during the experience.

    If you use images, templates, text, etc., downloaded from the Minduck platform for advertising content, you must not:

    1. Use or implicitly use the national flag, national anthem, national emblem, military flag, military anthem, or military emblem of the People's Republic of China;
    2. Use or implicitly use the names or images of state organs and their staff;
    3. Use words like "national level," "highest," "best";
    4. Other situations prohibited by laws and regulations.

    If you use images, templates, text, etc., downloaded from the Minduck platform for trademarks, company names, product names, or logos, you must not:

    1. Use or implicitly use the national flag, national anthem, national emblem, military flag, military anthem, military emblem, or medals of the People's Republic of China, foreign countries or regions, or intergovernmental international organizations;
    2. Use or implicitly use the names, signs, specific locations of central state organs, or the names or graphics of landmark buildings;
    3. Use names of administrative divisions at or above the county level or well-known foreign place names;
    4. Use fonts or font libraries prohibited by Minduck or font providers for this purpose;
    5. Other situations prohibited by laws and regulations.

    If the images provided by Minduck contain the national flag, national emblem, military flag, military emblem, etc., you are prohibited from damaging, defacing, scribbling, or trampling on them in any way, otherwise, you will bear legal responsibility.

    If the templates provided by Minduck contain portraits, you must not use the portraits in any offensive or unethical way, such as for pornography, cosmetic surgery, or defamatory or other illegal and unethical purposes.

    Minduck will use e-commerce platform logos, brand logos, etc., in e-commerce templates for the convenience of e-commerce users. If you are not an e-commerce user of the e-commerce platform or have not participated in the e-commerce activities corresponding to the logo or brand, you must not use the above materials or templates. If you must use them, you must delete the logo or brand logo. Otherwise, you will bear the resulting responsibility and loss.

    Without written permission from Minduck, you must not register the images, templates, text, or logos on Minduck as trademarks or apply for design patents. If you have such needs, you can contact Minduck for exclusive customization or special authorization.

(2) Software Use Standards

You agree to use Minduck reasonably and legally according to this agreement. Unless permitted by law or Minduck's written permission, any images, videos, and other content you view, share, download, use, distribute, and publish through Minduck are for your personal use only. You must not transfer the user rights obtained under this agreement for compensation or free of charge, and must not engage in the following behaviors:

  1. Use third-party software, plug-ins, add-ons, systems, devices, etc., not provided or recognized by Minduck to log in or use this service.
  2. Sell, rent, lend, copy, modify, link, reprint, compile, publish, or distribute content with Minduck's intellectual property rights;
  3. Perform reverse engineering, reverse assembly, reverse compilation, or other attempts to discover the source code of this software;
  4. Intercept, tamper with, collect, store, or delete others' personal information, internal mail, or other data without authorization, or use such information for any illegal or improper purposes;
  5. Copy, modify, add, delete, hook up and run, or create any derivative works of the data released into any terminal memory during the operation of this software, the interactive data between the client and server during the operation of this software, and the necessary system data for the operation of this software, including but not limited to using plug-ins, add-ons, or unauthorized third-party tools/services to access this software and related systems;
  6. Modify or forge instructions and data during the operation of the software, increase, delete, or change the functions or operation effects of the software, or operate or disseminate software and methods used for the above purposes, whether for commercial purposes or not;
  7. Log in to or use the Minduck platform and services through non-Minduck developed or authorized third-party software, plug-ins, add-ons, systems, or produce, publish, and disseminate the above tools;
  8. Interfere with the software and its components, modules, and data by yourself or authorize others or third-party software;
  9. Use any method (including but not limited to third-party software, plug-ins, add-ons, systems, devices, etc.) to interfere with, destroy, modify, or engage in any activities that endanger network security on Minduck;
  10. Other behaviors that violate laws, regulations, policies, or are not explicitly authorized by Minduck.

In addition to the provisions of this agreement, Minduck will also remind users to use the various services provided by Minduck in a standardized manner on the service platform. You must comply with these reminders. You acknowledge that Minduck does not fully control the behavior of users. When you use any content, including reliance on the correctness, completeness, or legality of the aforementioned content, you agree to make your own judgment and bear all risks. Minduck is not responsible for any loss or damage caused by the aforementioned risks within the scope permitted by law. In any case, if Minduck has reason to believe that any of your behaviors violate or may violate the aforementioned provisions, Minduck may independently judge and handle it, and has the right to terminate the service to you without notice and pursue relevant responsibilities. If you use the services provided by Minduck in violation of this agreement and are held accountable by third parties, you will bear full responsibility.

V. Breach Handling

1. If Minduck finds or receives reports and complaints from others that you violate this agreement or engage in any malicious behavior, Minduck has the right to delete or block the relevant content at any time without notice, and based on the severity of the behavior, impose penalties on the violating account, including but not limited to warnings, restricting or prohibiting the use of all or part of the functions, account banning, and cancellation, and announce the handling results. Minduck has the right to save relevant records of behaviors suspected of violating laws and regulations and suspected of criminal activities and report them to and cooperate with relevant authorities for investigation. The company has the right not to return deleted content.

2. If your violation of this agreement or other terms causes third-party complaints or litigation claims, you should bear all legal responsibilities. If your illegal or breach of contract behavior causes Minduck and its affiliates to compensate any third party or be punished by national authorities, you should fully compensate Minduck and its affiliates for all losses incurred.

3. The company respects and protects the intellectual property rights, reputation rights, name rights, privacy rights, and other legal rights of legal persons and citizens. You guarantee that the text, video, audio, links, etc., uploaded using Minduck do not infringe on any third party's intellectual property rights, reputation rights, name rights, privacy rights, and other rights and legal interests. Otherwise, Minduck has the right to remove the allegedly infringing content upon receiving notifications from rights holders or related parties. You should bear all legal responsibilities for all claims made by third parties; if your infringement behavior causes losses to Minduck and its affiliates (including but not limited to economic and goodwill losses), you should fully compensate Mind uck and its affiliates for all losses incurred.

1. You understand and agree that Minduck has the right to modify or terminate this service (or any part of it) at any time, temporarily or permanently, whether notified or not. You agree that for any modifications, suspensions, or terminations of this service, Minduck does not need to bear any responsibility to you or any third party. You should properly update, back up, and transfer data.

2. If you violate this agreement, Minduck has the right to interrupt or terminate one or more services according to the actual situation. For serious violations, Minduck will directly terminate your right to use Minduck.

3. If you have objections to the content of this agreement or are dissatisfied with the services provided by Minduck, you can exercise the following rights:

  1. Stop using Minduck account services;
  2. Cancel your account by yourself or notify Minduck to cancel your account. The account cancellation will cause your personal information, drawing records, design details, etc., on Minduck to be deleted. Your and Minduck's corresponding rights and obligations will be terminated accordingly (any damage compensation obligations you have will not be terminated), and Minduck will not be responsible for transmitting any unprocessed information or unfinished services to you.

VII. Third-Party Products and Services

1. When you use third-party products or services provided within this software, in addition to complying with this agreement, you should also comply with the third party's user agreement. If any disputes arise due to your use of third-party products or services, you and the third party should resolve them. Minduck does not bear any responsibility.

2. When you use third-party products or services provided within this software, the software may call third-party systems or support users' use or access through third parties. The results of use or access are provided by the third party. Minduck does not guarantee the security, accuracy, effectiveness, or other uncertainties of the services and content provided by the third party. Any disputes and damages arising from this are unrelated to Minduck, and Minduck does not bear any responsibility. For access from outside the jurisdiction of the country/region where it is located or access from such jurisdictions, the company does not bear any responsibility.

VIII. Advertisements

1. Minduck may contain advertisements, which belong to the reasonable and legal business model of Minduck and its affiliates. You agree to receive advertisements or other information (including commercial and non-commercial information) published by Minduck and its affiliates or third-party partners during the use of Minduck. The specific sending and display methods, frequency, and content of the information will be provided by Minduck.

2. Any communication or commercial dealings you engage in with advertisers and other third parties through this website, or participation in promotional activities, including payment and delivery of related goods or services, and any other related terms, conditions, guarantees, or statements, are entirely between you and the advertisers and other third parties. You should judge the authenticity of the advertisement information and be responsible for your judgment. Except as explicitly required by law, Minduck does not bear any legal responsibility for any loss or damage caused by the aforementioned transactions or the aforementioned advertisers and other third parties.

IX. Value-Added Services

1. Minduck may start charging for some services and may adopt a paid model in the future. According to actual needs, the charging standards and methods of the paid model may be adjusted and improved. If you use paid services, please comply with the relevant agreements. If you do not agree with the relevant agreements and their modifications and changes, please suspend using value-added services. If you are a minor under the age of 18, please carefully read the relevant agreements on value-added services with your legal guardian and choose whether to accept the agreement and its services.

2. When Minduck lowers the charging standards for value-added services or provides charged services for free, Minduck reserves the right not to refund or adjust the fees for original paid users.

X. Disclaimer

1. You understand and agree that the Minduck software and related services may be affected or interfered with by many factors, so Minduck does not guarantee (including but not limited to):

  1. Fully meeting the user's requirements;
  2. Being uninterrupted, timely, secure, reliable, or error-free; any software, services, or other materials obtained through Minduck meet the user's expectations;
  3. Any errors in the software will be corrected.

2. For suspected loan or other property-related network information, account passwords, advertisements, or promotional information, please treat it with caution and make your judgment. Minduck does not bear any direct, indirect, incidental, special, derivative, or punitive compensation liability for any loss of profit, business reputation, data, or other tangible or intangible losses you suffer due to the aforementioned reasons.

3. You understand and agree that in using Minduck, you may encounter force majeure factors (force majeure refers to objective events that cannot be foreseen, overcome, and avoided), including but not limited to government actions, natural disasters, network reasons, hacker attacks, wars, or other similar events. When force majeure occurs, the company will strive to repair it promptly, but you agree that the company will not bear any responsibility for losses caused to users due to force majeure.

4. Minduck will obtain the right to handle illegal content according to this agreement. This right does not constitute an obligation or commitment of the company. The company cannot guarantee to discover or handle illegal behavior promptly.

5. You expressly understand and agree that for this agreement's services, Minduck does not provide any express or implied warranties or conditions, including but not limited to commercial suitability and suitability for a particular purpose. You must bear the corresponding risks for your use of this agreement's software and related services.

6. You expressly understand and agree that the risk of using this service is borne by you personally, including but not limited to any damage to your mobile phone or data loss caused by any data download; uploading text, information, data, music, photos, graphics, videos, information, or other personal information to the Internet and being copied, reprinted, or used by other organizations or individuals for other purposes.

7. You expressly understand and agree that this service is provided only as it is currently presented. For any user information or personalized settings' timeliness, deletion, transmission errors, non-storage, or other issues, Minduck does not bear any responsibility. Minduck reserves the right to suspend any part of this service for maintenance, upgrade, or other purposes without prior notice.

8. You expressly understand and agree that this agreement is to ensure compliance with national laws and regulations, maintain public order and good customs, and protect the legal rights of others. Minduck will make the greatest effort to judge according to relevant laws and regulations within its capabilities but does not guarantee that the company's judgment is entirely consistent with that of judicial or administrative authorities. You understand and agree to bear the consequences arising from this yourself.

XI. Limited Liability of Minduck

1. You strictly use the content provided by Minduck according to this agreement, and you have not violated any other agreements signed with Minduck. If you are accused of copyright infringement by a third party, Minduck will provide necessary legal assistance. If you bear compensation responsibilities or other unfavorable legal consequences due to this, you have the right to apply for compensation from Minduck within the compensation limit specified in this agreement for the direct losses you suffered (excluding loss of expected benefits). Minduck's maximum liability for content-related legal responsibilities is: within the scope permitted by law, ten (10) times the fee you paid to Minduck (such as membership fees). If you continue to use the content after Minduck notifies or you learn that the content is accused of infringing third-party rights, this compensation guarantee does not apply.

2. You expressly understand and agree that Minduck cannot review and track the uses of the above content by you. Therefore, any third-party accountability or your own losses caused by your use of the content beyond the scope agreed in this agreement or authorized by Minduck shall be borne by you.

XII. Intellectual Property Statement

1. Minduck is the intellectual property rights holder of this software and services. All intellectual property rights such as copyrights , patent rights, trademark rights, trade secrets, and all information content (including but not limited to text, images, audio, video, interface design, layout framework, electronic documents, etc.) related to this software are protected by the People's Republic of China and corresponding international treaties. Minduck enjoys the above intellectual property rights, except as otherwise provided by law.

2. Without Minduck's written consent, you must not independently or authorize any third party to implement, utilize, or transfer the above intellectual property rights for any commercial or non-commercial purpose. Minduck reserves the right to pursue legal responsibility for the above behavior.

3. You understand and agree that the text, images, videos, audio, etc., you publish and upload while using the Minduck platform and related services are original or legally authorized (including sub-authorization) by you. The intellectual property rights of the content you create through Minduck belong to you or the original copyright owner.

4. You agree to grant Minduck a free, non-exclusive, global right to collect, use, store, manage, and protect the user content you generate during the service for providing, optimizing, and promoting this service. Minduck will make the greatest effort to use user content reasonably according to the "Privacy Policy," and your necessary authorization and consent do not mean Minduck's inevitable use of the content you generate during the service. It does not change your ownership and intellectual property rights of the user content, nor does it affect your legal use of the user content.

XIII. Complaint Methods and Handling

1. If you find any content on the Minduck platform that infringes your rights, please immediately notify Minduck via email at and provide preliminary evidence of your relevant rights. Minduck will handle your complaint promptly according to legal provisions. If the content you created using Minduck is accused of infringement by the rights holder, you can also submit a counter-notification and relevant rights proof materials to to appeal. The company will handle your appeal promptly according to legal provisions.

2. Minduck advocates that you participate in maintaining and supervising the compliance and cleanliness of the Minduck usage environment. Whether Minduck proactively discovers your improper or illegal behavior or Minduck preliminarily verifies your improper or illegal behavior based on reports or complaints, Minduck has the right to take necessary measures to stop such behavior immediately without prior notice.

XIV. Other Terms

1. Logging in and using Minduck means you have read and agree to be bound by this agreement.

2. Minduck has the right to modify this agreement according to changes in national policies, technical conditions, and product functions and will publish the modified agreement. You can view the latest version of the relevant agreement terms in Minduck. If you continue to use Minduck after the agreement terms are changed, you are deemed to have accepted the modified agreement.

The content of this agreement also includes the relevant agreements and rules that Minduck has issued and may continuously issue (including the "Privacy Policy"). The company will remind you to read the relevant content promptly in an appropriate way (website announcement, system notification, etc.). The aforementioned relevant agreements and rules are an inseparable part of this agreement, and you must also comply with them.

3. Unless otherwise expressly provided in this agreement, any new functions added or enhanced to the current software, including new products launched, are subject to this user agreement.

4. The formation, effectiveness, performance, interpretation, and dispute resolution of this agreement are all governed by the laws of the People's Republic of China.

5. The signing location of this agreement is Chaoyang District, Beijing, People's Republic of China. If there is a dispute between you and Minduck, it should be resolved through friendly negotiation. If the negotiation fails, you agree to submit the dispute to the People's Court at the domicile of Beijing Biscuit Technology Co., Ltd. for jurisdiction.

6. The titles of this agreement and all clauses are set for convenience only and have no legal or contractual effect.

7. Minduck can notify you in various ways, including webpage announcements, emails, text messages, or conventional letters (based on the contact information you provided on the platform); such notifications are deemed to be delivered to the recipient on the day of sending.
